We ensure 100% bond back and work satisfaction guarantee in our end of lease cleaning service. Our cleaning process makes sure you receive your security deposit back as our team will prepare your property up to the standards needed for the real estate agent approval. As standard procedure for all the cleaning services, we use our own cleaning products and tools, thus ensuring nothing is required of our clients before our arrival. We guarantee the sterilizing of all surfaces, including but not limited to door handles, shower mixers and countertops. Our standard service for this type of job includes wall washing, removal of cobwebs, deep cleaning of bathrooms, kitchens including but not limited to ovens, cooktops and range hoods. We steam clean all carpeting, mop all areas and the internal side of all windows. External window cleaning can be done for an additional fee. We also ensure thorough cleaning of all heating, shower and toilet vents, doors, and skirting boards. Any other extra service can be requested for an additional fee.